Restaurant Poniklec

Restaurant Poniklec is situated in northern part of Slovak Paradise in Podlesok.

It has 90 seats.

Sitting on the sun terrace with scenic views of the Slovak Paradise, nice music, pleasant service and an excellent range of dishes and drinks enchant everyone. If you are interested in half board, we prepare special offer according to your wishes and desires.

Enjoy Your morning coffee with excelent breakfast. After an exhausting crossing the Slovak Paradise properly extinguish your thirst with cold beer or cold frappe. And for  little children, we are preparing new attractions.

We serve you from May till October.


Poniklec s.r.o.

Obchodná 83
053 15 Hrabušice

IČO: 45332568
DIČ: 20 22 93 85 44
DIČ SK: SK2022938544

Phone: 00421 907 543 803
Phone: 00421 917 554 869


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